Development of fundamental and practical backgrounds for manufacturing of sandwich panels with folded cores.
Study of folded cores structural parameters influence on impact resistance. Development of manufacturing technology and manufacturing of experimental batch of CFRP and GFRP folded cores for sound-absorbent structures.
Development of folded core panels for aircraft crew compartment.
Development of aircraft integral structures concepts from composites.
Design and development of aerospace 3D composite structures with high weight efficacy and thermal stability.
Development of technology for RTM CFRP integral spoiler manufacturing.
3D models and documentation design and development for aircraft stocks.
Development of technology for Light-RTM large composite parts manufacturing.
Research and development of technology for folded cores manufacturing from acoustically transparent organic plastic and thermoplastic materials.
Development of technology for helicopter composite fairing parts manufacturing.
Concept development for engine nacelle GFRP protective ring.
Participation in preliminary testing of composite BNK containers.
Optimization of CFRP autoclave molding technology and physical and mechanical properties analysis.
"Methods of design and manufacturing of sandwich structures from polymer composite materials with folded cores" in the frame of Federal Target Program "Scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for the period of 2009-2013.
Impact Resistant Composites. Ministry of education and science grant 2012.