ESI Group - Composites Simulation Suite has developed an entire suite of industry-oriented applications to realistically simulate and fine tune the manufacturing processes of composites parts. ESI offers an integrated solution that allows the analysis and optimization of each individual manufacturing operations but that also links these different operations by transferring material history (change in fiber orientations, curing degree, temperature distribution, etc ...) from one operation to the next.
Products: PAM-RTM, PAM-Form, PAM-Crash, SYSPLY.
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PAM-RTM is a cost effective simulation tool which covers a wide range of LCM manufacturing processes: Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), Vacuum Assisted RTM (VARTM), Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion (VARI), Compression Resin Transfer Molding (CRTM)…
PAM-RTM includes:
- A conditional opening and closing of the injection gates and vents
- An automatic flow rate control so as to minimize porosities
- The capability to take into account gravity effect
- A sequential draping module for an estimate of the fiber angle in the preform
- An automatic quick estimate of the optimum injection points location
- The chaining of filling and curing simulation with possibility to include “overfilling” in between
- Coupling with PAM-FORM and PAM-DISTORTION
PAM-Form allows engineers to select the most appropriate materials, the right tooling design, and the best process parameters. Taking into account the physics of the forming process, PAM-FORM enables the user to predict and track the origin of manufacturing induced defects such as wrinkling and to correct these by optimizing the process parameters. Each ply of the laminate is represented in the model, allowing the prediction of internal wrinkling or delamination occurring during the forming process.
PAM-FORM allows process engineers and designers to define and optimize:
- the forming process: stamping, thermoforming, diaphragm forming, stretch forming
- the clamping conditions
- the process parameters: tool velocity, pressure, temperature cycle,...
- the design of the tools
by predicting (at ply or laminate level):
- wrinkles
- bridging
- thicknesses
- fiber orientations
- flat patterns
PAM-FORM includes material models for UD, NCF, fabrics, dry textiles, prepregs, thermosets and thermoplastics.